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We systematize and openly share knowledge generated through practice, fostering the potential of social innovation to address social demands

We also promote cultural change that favors innovation in organizations and community.

In the complex tapestry of human societies, systems play a pivotal role in shaping our lives. From education and healthcare to employment and social welfare, systems are the underlying framework that governs our interactions and progress. But what if we told you that the key to unlocking their true...
UpSocial worked closely with partners in Rotterdam to develop the winning proposal.
Rather than focusing solely on promoting a social goal, SSE ecosystems also involve collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and resources between organisations, as well as co-design and consultation with citizens and civil society organisations.
UpSocial’s first experience in a European Commission’s programme left important learnings with it, not only related to the home renovation field but to all our fields of action. Test, then scale
Cities and consortium partners from the RRR project met once again to identify which expertise they could offer to other cities and determined experiences and transversal approaches they would like to learn from, going one step further on the peer learning partnership.
Representatives from the 9 cities within the RRR project select the two COVID-19 challenges that will be the focus of the upcoming joint learning and collaboration process on the potential of SSE towards the recovery.
Social lab to co-create innovative and scalable solutions that improve universal access to sustainable food, in particular for groups in vulnerable situations.
Bloomberg Philanthropies has announced the 50 champion cities that are elevating the most important innovations generated in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and Rotterdam is among them.
What do Belo Horizonte, Bilbao, Dublin, Guadalajara, Montreal, Rotterdam, San Francisco, Turin and Warsaw have in common, apart from being great cities to live in? 
The aim of the RRR project is to raise awareness and capacity to build conducive national and local ecosystems for SSE development, and promote knowledge sharing and peer exchanges at the international level.
